Movie Review: Turlock

There were plenty of books, movies and blogs that shaped me into the vegan I am today. “Food, Inc.”, “Fast Food Nation”, “Eating Animals”, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” and “Forks Over Knives”, just to name a few.

But there haven’t been many movies I’ve seen since those initials films that have kept me inspired, simply because my mind about veganism is already made up, you know?

That was, until I was granted access to the pre-screening of Turlock. It’s a stunning documentary that reminds me why I’m vegan and why it’s so important for others, who may not be plant-based, to understand the ramifications of their dietary choices.

Turlock sheds light on California’s largest animal rescue, in which dozens of dedicated volunteers worked endless hours to try and save chickens who were left to die on a farm. You know the scene: 50,000 birds, in dark, desolate, feces-ridden living conditions, horribly diseased and disfigured and barely able to move. Of those 50,000 chickens, over 4,000 were saved through the efforts of Animal Place, a beautiful sanctuary in California, who housed the abandoned animals. With the support of their staff and community volunteers, they worked tirelessly, day and night, to remove the chickens from their dire environment and care for them round the clock until they were nursed back to health.

It was extremely emotional and brought me to tears, in a way that other films haven’t. To see the intense emotional bond many of the staff and volunteers formed with these animals was truly touching. Many of them held the birds as they passed away, some stayed up all night to make sure birds didn’t smother each other and too many of them were exposed to the harsh realities of our food system.

But others got to experience some truly beautiful moments. Chickens, stepping into sunlight and grass for the first time ever. Birds taking to humans as if they were the same species. Many got to see their extreme efforts rewarded in the best way possible. They got to see animals on the brink of death, flourish, thrive and live a happy life because of their hard work and dedication to animal rights.

I think what really struck me was many of the Turlock locals who ended up adopting chickens as pets. Many of them started as meat-eaters and quickly realized how hypocritical it was to be raising these beautiful, smart animals as pets, yet still consuming animals products. And I think that’s truly crucial. Although I am not the activist type, I get frustrated when people talk about their love for animals-they spoil their domesticated pets and are outraged when they hear of individuals neglecting dogs and cats. They demand stricter animals rights laws, but only apply it to the animals you find in a pet store. They don’t seem to make that connection that a pig or a cow’s rights are no different than that of a puppy or kitten. Animals are animals, and we can’t pick and choose which we have sympathy and love for, and which ones we don’t. To claim to be an “animal-lover”, while still eating burgers and milk just doesn’t make sense.

Turlock exposes the harsh reality of an omnivorous diet and I can’t imagine that I WOULDN’T have been swayed to go vegan had I watched this film prior to giving up meat. To see the horrific conditions, we as consumers, condemn animals to when we choose to eat meat, is unfathomable. A chicken nugget, a slice of cheese, a piece of bacon-are all these things worth sentencing an innocent chicken, pig or cow to a miserable life and early death?

For those of you who are not yet vegetarian or vegan, or at least mostly plant-based, I strongly recommend watching this film and assessing whether or not you think your chicken wings are worth this pain and suffering. Turlock is a heart-wrenching reminder as to why I am vegan-and makes me hope that others will wake up and realize that we simply cannot continue to let animals suffer like this.

Visit their site to attend a screening of Turlock, or host a screening of your own…I swear, I’ll come and bring vegan desserts if you do!

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Vegan Cuts
About the Author

Lisa is the founder of The Vegan Pact and a vegan personal chef.

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