Notes on Protein

Protein is a subject everyone following a vegan diet probably gets asked about on a daily basis And we’re all beyond annoyed by it.

But it’s a topic that always comes up in my cooking classes and it’s one everyone is always curious about. As long as people aren’t obnoxious in their questioning, or telling me that meat is the only place I can get my protein, I am happy to talk about it. In fact, every series I teach, I dedicate one night to nothing but protein-packed dishes. Even though, as long as you’re eating a well-balanced, plant-based diet you’re probably getting more than enough protein. Hell, if you’re eating junk or nothing but hummus, peanut butter and frozen veggie burgers, you are probably getting an adequate amount of protein. 

ANYWAYS, as I prepped breakfast for myself this morning, post-protein themed class, I was floored at exactly how many grams I was getting, just in this hearty bowl of not-so-plain-old oatmeal. Gluten-free rolled oats, pecans, walnuts, hemp and peanut butter….30 grams.

Did you hear that, steak? 30 grams of plant-based protein in one breakfast bowl!

There really wan’t much of a point to this post. Just to give further proof that eating vegan will provide you with all the nutrition you could possibly need. And because I’m usually not a fan of cooked oatmeal, but I LOVE this variation. You should definitely try it out! Just cook that oatmeal and add as much of the toppings as you’d like. Chocolate chips aren’t a bad addition either 😉




Vegan Cuts
About the Author

Lisa is the founder of The Vegan Pact and a vegan personal chef.

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