Raw Tomato Bread

Sadly, we have veered from sticking to more of a raw foods diet during these winter months. With good weather finally upon us (hello spring!), we’re finally getting back to no-cook cooking, or food PREPARING if you will.  I’ve always felt like I’m at war with our dehydrator though, and I’m usually skeptical that anything we put in there will come our edible. But when I saw this recipe for raw tomato bread on Pinterest, I desperately wanted to give it a shot. The flavor of this bread is really delicious, I would just recommend lining the dehydrator trays about 1/2 inch thick in order to avoid making it cracker-like. I’m still cooking for John and he absolutely raved about the raw sandwich I constructed out of this bread. Enjoy!

5 Roma tomatoes, chopped

1 cup sun-dried tomatoes, soaked for 30 minutes

1 cup ground flaxseed

1/4 cup sunflower seeds

2 tsp dried basil

1 tsp dried oregano

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

  • Blend all ingredients together in a blender until mixture is thick
  • Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 8 hours. Flip over after 8 hours and dehydrate for another 5-6 hours


Vegan Cuts
About the Author

Lisa is the founder of The Vegan Pact and a vegan personal chef.

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