Pop Zest Review and Easy Cheese Sauce Recipe

Since I’ve gone vegan, I don’t think there’s been a day that’s gone by that I didn’t consume nutritional yeast is some way, shape or form. I have NEVER been worried about getting enough protein with a plant-based diet. Never been worried about iron, calcium, anything like that. But, B12 is harder to come by, […]

Toats Oat Milk

In case you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed that oat milk is THE new plant-based milk. Step aside cashews. Almonds. Coconuts. Soy. Oat milk is here, and it’s freaking delicious. Of all the nut/seed milks out there, oat is actually the one that I’ve always struggled with when trying to make it […]

Homemade Seitan

So in another chaotic move here in Boulder, I ended up couch surfing for a few days and crashing with my favorite vegan friends. Though I was annoyed to be technically homeless again for a short period of time, I’m always thrilled to spend time with my friends Chris and Claire, who are also vegan, […]

Blissfully Better

Girl Scout cookie season is in full effect. And even though I appreciate that a lot of their flavors are now vegan, I do NOT appreciate the fact that they’re still got a long list of sketchy ingredients in their cookies.  So I’m super thankful I came across Blissfully Better because their chocolate thins, in […]

Weller CBD Snacks

It took me a LONG time to get on board the CBD train. I’m not sure why I was skeptical about the benfits and effectiveness of CBD. But it’s such a thing in Boulder, and hard to avoid anywhere you go. I honestly figured it was crap. It seemed over-produced and over-hyped. Every health and […]

Patter Bars

I know I’ve been posting about lots of granola and granola bars as of late, but I can’t help that there have been so many amazing local companies popping up around Boulder and Denver who have been sharing their delicious vegan goodies with me! But Patter Bars are absolutely one of the best bars I’ve […]