Tamari Tofu with Broccoli

I guess I need to quit calling myself a tofu hater. Maybe it’s just a phase. But I am totally understanding the appeal to tofu. It’s cheap, easy to prepare and is a great, filling addition to any salad, soup or rice dish. It perfectly accompanies most vegetables and is made delicious, just by whipping […]

Beyond Meat Giveaway

While I may be lacking in the form of new recipes, I am certainly not disappointing with the giveaways, am I? I’ve actually got contests lined up through June for freebies from some amazing, vegan, organic companies you’ve (maybe) never heard of. I am beyond excited about all of them and know you will be […]

Vegan Richa-Butternut Squash “Pulled Pork” Tacos

WORD. Vegan Richa is a straight-up vegan genius. If you aren’t familiar with her food, do yourself a favor, and get familiar-NOW. These aren’t a far cry from my BBQ Pulled Jackfruit Sliders with Sweet & Spicy Slaw. I take that back. In fact, these are almost EXACTLY like those sandwiches. Except you’re subbing the […]

So Delicious Coconut Creamer & Cococcino Review & Giveaway!

Hellllloooo giveaway season! The most wonderful time of the year! So Delicious and The Vegan Pact are pretty tight, if you haven’t noticed. I’ve done lots of giveaways and review for their awesome products in the past. But this time….this time I think they’ve really outdone themselves. Two of their latest items, Coconut Creamer Barista […]

Raw Red Pepper Avocado Soup

If I had to choose one vegetable that I use the most, it HAS to be bell peppers. Whether it’s stuffed peppers, topping on a salad, roasted for a soup, blended into a dip  or mixed into veggie burgers, I probably buy about 5 lbs or organic peppers a week. I can’t help it, I […]

Basil Fried Cashew Rice

Shout out to Arikka and her Instagram on this recipe! My best vegan buddy is constantly inspiring me for new recipe ideas. She’s particularity good with snacks and desserts, but I was immediately drawn to her basil fried rice dish that she shared on IG. She based it loosely off this Brussels Fried Rice from […]