Curly kale, curly kale, where fore art thou, curly kale? There was a time when the only type of kale I consumed was curly kale. These days? I’m all about the dino kale. Maybe I’m just more mature now. No more frilly, ribbony curly kale. Only straight-laced, sophisticated, dark and mysterious lacinato kale. It’s name […]
Veggie Pasta Salad with Thousand Island Dressing
Seriously, let us reflect here for a moment on the horrors of our food industry. Since I’ve been creating cooler dishes now that the weather’s heating up, my clients love a good veggie-loaded pasta dish. I used to make an oil-based sauce, but I wanted to change things up a bit this season. I of […]
Raw Marinated Cauliflower Salad
All these raw vegan clients certainly have had an influence on me, haven’t they? I am overly aware of the fact that I’ll be working at a pool in just a over a week. It’ll be minimal hours since I can barely keep my head on straight with cooking as is, but alas, I will […]
Strawberry Avocado Kale Salad with Lemon Poppyseed Dressing & Hemp
Look at me! More kale! Yay! Nothing makes me prouder than a palatable kale recipe. OK, so I’m clearly striving for more than just palatable. I want kick-ass kale salads, ones that make people NOT hate kale. I’ve made it known that I;m trying to cut back on fruit, but strawberry season is getting good, […]