Maple Sesame Kale Chips

Curly kale, curly kale, where fore art thou, curly kale? There was a time when the only type of kale I consumed was curly kale. These days? I’m all about the dino kale. Maybe I’m just more mature now. No more frilly, ribbony curly kale. Only straight-laced, sophisticated, dark and mysterious lacinato kale. It’s name […]

Veggie Pasta Salad with Thousand Island Dressing

Seriously, let us reflect here for a moment on the horrors of our food industry. Since I’ve been creating cooler dishes now that the weather’s heating up, my clients love a good veggie-loaded pasta dish. I used to make an oil-based sauce, but I wanted to change things up a bit this season. I of […]

Raw Marinated Cauliflower Salad

All these raw vegan clients certainly have had an influence on me, haven’t they? I am overly aware of the fact that I’ll be working at a pool in just a over a week. It’ll be minimal hours since I can barely keep my head on straight with cooking as is, but alas, I will […]

Strawberry Avocado Kale Salad with Lemon Poppyseed Dressing & Hemp

Look at me! More kale! Yay! Nothing makes me prouder than a palatable kale recipe. OK, so I’m clearly striving for more than just palatable. I want kick-ass kale salads, ones that make people NOT hate kale. I’ve made it known that I;m trying to cut back on fruit, but strawberry season is getting good, […]

Nude Food Review & Giveaway!

Wow, long time, no giveaway, huh? Blog posting has fallen a bit by the wayside, as I’ve previously mentioned. But since it makes me so happy, I’ve been making an effort to connect with more new, vegan businesses to feature their products and share them with my readers.  It seems like more and more plant-based […]

Blog Tour: Writing Buddies

So in the midst of meeting with, and working with great people, I’ve been asked to join this fun, little blog tour. It’s a chance to link up with some of my favorite blogging buddies and help spread the word about who we are, why we write and how our blogs came to be. I’ve […]