Raw Taco Stuffed Peppers with Cilantro Cream Sauce

Whenever someone asks me about my diet, or wants to know what my favorite vegan meal is, I always end up mentioning my Raw Vegan Taco Salad. I still can’t get enough of it, and it’s an easy, popular dish among clients. I feel like I should probably come up with a fancier dish to […]

Raw Cashew Cinnamon Donut Holes

So, like I said, I’ve been searching for inspiration for some new, crazy delicious raw breakfast options for this April gig I’ve got going on. And all I know is that I’ve got to come up with creative ways to use nuts, seeds, fruits and dates. And these little donut holes were a GREAT find! […]

Raw Buckwheat Apple Granola

“Hey Lisa, what’s with all these raw recipes lately?” Oh, good question…I’m glad you asked 😉 While I can’t reveal the full details (hopefully I can when it’s over), what I CAN tell you is that I’m devoting the next month cooking for a pretty famous actor who’s filming in Boston during April. It still […]

Roasted Fennel and Arugula Salad with Orange Cream Sauce

Ok. If you’ve never tried roasted fennel before, stop whatever you’re doing, so buy some, come back home and make this salad immediately. I’ll just wait here. …… …… …… Did you make it yet? Are you totally in love with it like I am?! I don’t know how I’ve gone my whole life without […]

Raw Coconut Lemon Bites

April is already uber crazy. So I’m gonna keep this post short and sweet. Because this is a short recipe and a super sweet, healthy dessert! Or snack. Or breakfast. Whatever floats your vegan boat 🙂 2 cups almond meal (this is the dry stuff you get leftover from making almond milk-you could make your […]

6 Layer Taco Dip

I love a good Pinterest party! I try to get together with some of my amazing friends for a wine/craft night as often as possible. With our busy schedules it doesn;t happen as often as we’d like, so when we do find a night to get together, I try to make it extra special. As […]