Asparagus Tangerine Cous Cous Pilaf with Tarragon Vinaigrette

It’s asparagus season, my favorite time of the year! And you know what that means… Stinky pee! OK, OK. Grow up Lisa! Seriously, it does mean your pee is gonna smell. But it also means spring is coming. It may have got terribly lost in the snow on it’s way to Boston, but it’s coming. […]

Garlic Broccolini with Almonds and Spicy Tomato Tempeh

I love me some broccoli. But for some reason, I have fallen even more in love with broccoli’s skinnier cousin, broccolini. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something about this broccoli breed that makes it superior. Maybe it’s the crisp, delicious stems or the extra tender tops, but whatever the reason, […]

PPK: Spicy Peanut & Eggplant Stew

I have no problem admitting that I get TONS of inspiration from all the other fabulous plant-based bloggers out there who have been vegan for longer than I;ve been alive. There’s so many great vegan resources available now and I stalk Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and of course, Pinterest for recipe ideas probably as much as […]

Carrot Mango Lassi

Sweet baby Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing lassis into my life. I can’t get enough of them now that I’ve finally started making them at home. These super creamy, yogurt-based drinks first came into my life at the Walnut Grille about a year ago. Around the same time, I also started […]

Broccoli & Mushroom Stuffed Shells with Cashew Basil Ricotta

I have to say…Italian food cannot be beat. I love that going vegan hasn’t slowed down my production of all my favorite traditional foods, most of them being Italian. I actually think all these meals actually taste better than the non-vegan versions, if I do say so myself! These shells were beautiful to photograph and […]

Restaurant Review: Green Leaf

Let us go back about three years. To when I first went vegetarian. When I wasn’t eating super healthy, and didn’t have a plethora of recipes under my belt. To a time when there were hardly ANY vegetarian/vegan only restaurants in the Boston area (maybe in the country for that matter!). The old vegetarian version […]