Zucchini Chips: Baked and Raw

….because who likes to make decisions when it comes to zucchini chips? Our farm has got TONS of zucchini every week (although our own garden is slow to produce any) and it seemed senseless to not invest in a few pounds. Instead of my typical zucchini bread and zucchini fries, I decided to do something […]

North Coast Organics Deodorant Giveaway!

You know how some people generally dub vegans as “dirty hippies”? Sadly, I think I have become one-mostly because I do not use any fragranced, toxic body care products and well…sometimes that au natural smell is not so enticing. Thankfully, I’ve made some great body products out of baking sodas, vinegars and essential oils and […]

Raw Candied Pumpkin & Hemp Seeds

These are one of my go-to snacks during raw food weeks and I can’t believe I’ve never posted it before! Shame on me. They are super simple to make, great atop salads and perfect as just a little afternoon (or midnight) snack. I’m still recovering from Justin Timberlake, so I’ll keep this post as brief […]

Raw Lemon Lime Avocado Pie

Sorry for the lack of posts lately-you can blame Justin Timberlake for that one. In what was surely the best concert/weekend of my entire life, I fell quite off track when it came to being healthy. Back to back shows really messed up the preceding week and threw my normal eating habits for a loop […]

Spaghetti and Tempeh & Walnut Meatballs

These babies are legit. I am willing to bet even the meatiest of meatheads wouldn’t realize there isn’t actually any dead cow floating around in these “meatballs”. They’re a cinch to make and pretty easy on the wallet-tempeh, walnuts, spices, DONE. I’ve got a family reunion coming up this weekend and since I’m also seeing […]

Homemade Curry Sauce & Cauliflower, Potato & Spinach Curry with Coconut Jasmine Rice

Yeah, that’s a mouthful. This is some of the most beautiful, fragrant and delicious food I’ve ever made. And neither of them came from my brain. Wanting to please my new clients, I knew that I need to have some Indian 101 cooking lessons before I really start doing stuff on my own. I know […]