Hey! Long time, no talk, huh? The end of 2018 and the start of 2019 were a complete whirlwind. I went from California, to Chicago, back to Boulder, to Costa Rica, to Boston, back to Boulder, then to Vegas and now FINALLY back in Boulder. And I’ve got so many amazing new products, recipes and […]
San Diego Eats, Volume 6
I can’t believe this is the SIXTH edition of SoCal vegan eats on this blog. Actually, I kind of can believe it. San Diego continues to be my favorite place in the country, and it is always my happiest city to visit. I have a million friends here, the weather is always beautiful, the scenery […]
Vegetable Dumpling Stew
Stew season! I’ve been waiting for you! I’ve had non-stop visitors this past month and although I’ve enjoyed having so many people here, it’s also equated to ALOT of eating out and hardly cooking anything homemade. I love getting to all the good vegan spots around Denver and showing friends and family the food scene, […]
Fire on the Mountain Vegan Menu
Though there are plenty of vegan only restaurants in Denver, but one of my absolute favorites is not strictly plant-based. And for a vegan to love a non-vegan spot over places like Watercourse or City O’ City (I still love you both though), must mean their meat-free options must be reallllllly amazing. And yes. Fire […]
Hodo Foods
Another day, another new amazing, plant-based product! But I PROMISE, some unique fall recipes are on the way. My personal life always seems to get a bit crazy with the fall season, and this year is no exception. Though I’ve connected with lots of local businesses and restaurants as of late, I am really looking […]