Alright, this perfectly simply and crazy delicious recipe should make up for my months of silence. SERIOUSLY. These things are that good. I catered a big party for my favorite client last week-the one that I’ll be traveling with this winter. And so I figured prepping for this would be a good time to start […]
Bear Pond Farm Pesto Review
I know, I know. You’ve probably got pesto coming out of your ears, with all the basil that’s growing around Boston right about now. And forgive me for saying this, but fall IS just around the corner (eye roll). And when your homemade basil supply has run out, you’ve GOT to get your hands on […]
Chocolate Hummus
Because the easiest way to ease back into blogging is by bringing you SUPER simple recipes. And don’t you love it when simple recipes are the most life changing? And chocolate hummus….it’s life changing, for sure. One of my friends recently turned me onto Hope’s chocolate hummus. One bite, and I was in love. Like, […]
Raw Rainbow Pad Thai
So I can’t BELIEVE this recipe hasn’t made it to the blog yet. It’s gotta be one of the top five recipes I teach in classes, and people absolutely adore it. It’s raw vegan, gluten-free and gives me an excuse to whip out the spiralizer during classes. It’s much better enjoyed during the summer months, […]
Tahaza Hummus Kitchen
Smoothie bowls. Acai bowls. Burrito Bowls. Buddha bowls. I am completely obsessed with any food that comes in bowl form, apparently. But one very, unique bowl may top them all. And that’s the hummus bowl from Tahaza Hummus Kitchen in Cambridge. Say what?! Hummus bowl?! You read that right! The newly opened Tahaza is the […]