First Aid Shot Therapy Review

So, if you follow me on Instagram you will notice a trend. My posts go something like this: Vegan food porn Brunch Alcohol My niece Brunch Alcohol. The brunch always includes drinks as well, which is probably what got the attention of First Aid Shot Therapy. A vegan-friendly hangover, cure-all, much like Fire Cider which […]

GoMacro Review + Giveaway

My criteria for buying store bought granola/protein bars is pretty strict. Unless they meet the following guidelines, I won’t buy them and would rather opt for spending the time making them at home. They MUST be: Organic Non-GMO Gluten-free Vegan (that goes without saying) Low sugar I think most people are under the assumption that […]

Custom Vegan EST. Shirts!

Ok, this post is 100% random, but you’re gonna love me for it anyways. Through the magic of Instagram, I stumbled across fellow vegan, Christi Turner’s account. She’s a freelance journalist, photographer and filmmaker, who graciously cooked me up with my new favorite goodies from Madacesse, and I instantly wanted to be her plant-based BFF.  The BEST part […]

Union Square Donuts

If you follow any of my social media accounts, you have seen these incredibly amazing donuts ALL.OVER.THE. PLACE. How had I never been to Union Square Donuts before this past weekend?! I feel like I’ve been missing out my entire (vegan) life. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had a donut. It has […]

So Delicious Cashew Milk Ice Creams & Giveaway

  Boy, things have been quiet around here, haven’t they? I feel like a broken record, but things have been more than crazy recently. It seems every sporadic post the last few months has been prefaced by acknowledging how busy I’ve been…which is clearly the case as of late. I’ve started cooking for an amazing […]

Thirst Juice Co.

So lately I’ve been hating on Boston extra hard. 9 feet of snow, impossible driving and parking conditions, negative temperatures and idiots who leave their cars buried in snow for weeks on end, surely makes anyone loathe this city. And especially for me, it makes me long for the west coast even more. But there […]