Tempeh Kale Lasagna with Tofu Ricotta

Let’s keep this short, simple and to the point, shall we? This is my first new recipe in awhile and my first home-cooked meal in what feels like years. Comfort food at it’s finest. The pictures slightly vary from the recipe-I originally made this a couple week’s ago for clients and added zucchini and spinach, […]

Tomato Basil Tofu Scramble

I used to seriously hate on tofu so much. And I still do. Kinda sorta. Only when it’s the non-organic, GMO version you get at most vegan restaurants that almost ALMOST makes me instantly sick. To my body, there is a distinct difference in soy quality, and I am overly sensitive to most tofu or soy products […]

Okra, Corn & Pepper Gumbo

Soooo I’m gona pretend like fall isn’t happening for as long as humanly possible. Forget that it’s back-to-school. Forget that Halloween shit has completely taken over every store in sight. Forget that pumpkin spice beer has replaced my beloved summer shandys.  I’m trying to enjoy every last summer moment. Every day at the pool. Every […]

Avocado Seed Smoothie

Say whattttt?! Avocado seeds? You can’t eat those! They’re too hard! You can’t put them in a smoothie, they’ll break your blender! Nope! Well, they might break your blender if you don’t have a Vitamix. Which if you don’t have one of those by now, what are you doing with your life?! People have all […]

Sausage, Kale & Tomato Garlic Skillet Pasta

So here’s something you’d never thought you’d see from me-a recipe featuring fake meat. I know, I know. A total deviation from what I stand for and how I generally cook. I really only bought these Tofurky kielbasas because I was going to a very non-vegan BBQ and the hosts asked me to bring vegan […]

Arugula, Peach, Radish + Corn Salad

Nothing like the pressure of another website to light a fire under your ass when it comes to recipe development. It’s no secret I’m busy. I doubt I’ve posted ANYTHING that past year that wasn’t prefaced by how overwhelmingly stressed I always am. I’ve juggled a minimum of three jobs this summer, and have somehow also found time to kayak […]