Coconut Millet & Cornflake Rice Crispies

Such a long name for this little delectable treat 🙂 The old-fashioned Rice Kripies always make me nostalgic for Easter. I can’t remember why, but maybe we always made them for the Easter Bunny? Who knows. But marshmallow squares equal springtime to me and I am definitely in that mindset. Winter is officially gone and […]

Wilted Romaine Salad with Avocado Dressing

Cooked Romaine-who knew you could be so good?! Not I. At least not until tonight. I recently went to a cooking demo hosted by a friend of mine in my networking group. I knew it was going to be led by a chef who was FAR from vegan, but wanted to go anyways just to […]

Sweet Potato “Rice” & Beans

Heyoooo, my new favorite dish ever! Isn’t it incredible what you do do with alot of leftovers and a little creativity? Rice out of sweet potatoes?! GENIUS. I’ve got to give it up to Inspiralized for her absolutely amazing site and all of her unreal dishes made from a spiralizer. I’ve made lots of things […]

Tomato & Chard Barley Stuffed Peppers

This is what we call recycling, people. I love taking some of my old recipes and revamping them a little. My tomato chard barley risotto was once of my favorite dishes. It is SUPER filling and I always ate it by it’s lonesome. I opted to stuffed them into peppers this time around though, and […]

Tropical Ginger Smoothie

If you haven’t heard the good news yet… …I got a Vitamix!! I assume this is what my friends  feel like after their first born child arrives. Or they buy a house. My sheer level of ecstasy upon finally, FINALLY purchasing a bright blue, gorgeous Vitamix. I cannot fathom how I survived this long without […]

Chocolate Kidney Bean & Millet Chili

I’ve always heard of savory recipes using chocolate as an additive. I didn’t get it. Adding chocolate to a chili or soup (or meat, I think people sometimes do as a rub?) didn’t really make sense to me….that was, until I actually gave it a chance. A bit of raw cacao powder was a healthy […]