So a lot of you seemed to have sparked in an interest in what this banana island nonsense was all about. And after five days on the island, I’m ready to report back on what I ate, how I felt and whether or not it was worth giving up all other foods. First and foremost, […]
Coconut Millet & Cornflake Rice Crispies
Such a long name for this little delectable treat 🙂 The old-fashioned Rice Kripies always make me nostalgic for Easter. I can’t remember why, but maybe we always made them for the Easter Bunny? Who knows. But marshmallow squares equal springtime to me and I am definitely in that mindset. Winter is officially gone and […]
Tropical Ginger Smoothie
If you haven’t heard the good news yet… …I got a Vitamix!! I assume this is what my friends  feel like after their first born child arrives. Or they buy a house. My sheer level of ecstasy upon finally, FINALLY purchasing a bright blue, gorgeous Vitamix. I cannot fathom how I survived this long without […]
Carrot Mango Lassi
Sweet baby Jesus, thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing lassis into my life. I can’t get enough of them now that I’ve finally started making them at home. These super creamy, yogurt-based drinks first came into my life at the Walnut Grille about a year ago. Around the same time, I also started […]
So Delicious Ice Cream Bars & Yogurt!
If you’re anything like me, you think that one of the best parts of being vegan is being able to have desserts and ice cream for breakfast. Because most plant-based treats can be assembled using frozen bananas, nuts, fruit and other healthy ingredients. If you’re anything like me, banana, chocolate chip, peanut butter breakfast wraps […]
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Brown Rice Bars
Oh, gluten. You suck. I have been trying REALLY hard to limit my gluten intake as much as humanly possible. And it’s hard. Very, very hard. I love my bread. I love my oatmeal. I love a good bagel. And let’s be honest, I LOVE beer. But gluten does NOT love me. And so, in […]