I can’t believe this is the SIXTH edition of SoCal vegan eats on this blog. Actually, I kind of can believe it. San Diego continues to be my favorite place in the country, and it is always my happiest city to visit. I have a million friends here, the weather is always beautiful, the scenery […]
SeaSnax Seaweeds
Seaweed…some people either love it or hate it. I’ve always been on the love side. And if you try some of the unique and delicious products from SeaSnax, I’m willing to bet you’ll also be on team “I love seaweed” as well! They’ve got a tasty assortment of everything from roasted seaweed snacks, salty nori […]
Overnite Organics
So many amazing new plant-based products keep coming into my life that are perfect for camping and backpacking! Which is awesome because packing food for trips like that has really been stressing me out lately. Overnight Organics is a really simple, but brilliant concept. We all know how to make overnight oats, right? And it’s […]
Amethyst Confectionery Candy
If you didn’t know, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. And so I’ve totally got candy on my mind. But most vegan candies, kind of suck, right? And we all know that just because something is vegan, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy, or void of artificial colors, dyes, weird numbers and flavorings. In fact, […]
Uprise Foods NOOCH IT!
GUYS. I know a lot of you probably make cashew cheese or cashew parm variations at home. And I totally do, too. But I promise you, this stuff. This NOOCH IT! It’s incredible. I’m not downplaying your cooking skills. I just swear, your stuff probably pales in comparison to this magical, delicious cashew Parmesan. At […]
Keen One Review and Giveaway
Being vegan and eating plant-based while camping or backpacking is not always easy. I used to eat mostly chips, vegan jerky, PB and J sandwiches, instant oatmeal and dozens of protein bars while hiking or camping. It’s not always the most exciting, the most delicious and it certainly is not the healthiest. So when I […]