Chickapea Pasta Review + Sausage and Kale Soup Recipe

How do we feel about gluten free pasta? Do we love it? Do we hate it? Have we never tried it? Now, I love me some gluten. Mostly in the form of pasta. But I’ve also heavily ventured into the world of GF versions. Everything from corn, quinoa, red lentil, black bean, spinach, zucchini-you name […]

Vegetable Dumpling Stew

Stew season! I’ve been waiting for you! I’ve had non-stop visitors this past month and although I’ve enjoyed having so many people here, it’s also equated to ALOT of eating out and hardly cooking anything homemade. I love getting to all the good vegan spots around Denver and showing friends and family the food scene, […]

Hodo Foods

Another day, another new amazing, plant-based product! But I PROMISE, some unique fall recipes are on the way. My personal life always seems to get a bit crazy with the fall season, and this year is no exception. Though I’ve connected with lots of local businesses and restaurants as of late, I am really looking […]

Uprise Foods NOOCH IT!

GUYS. I know a lot of you probably make cashew cheese or cashew parm variations at home. And I totally do, too. But I promise you, this stuff. This NOOCH IT! It’s incredible. I’m not downplaying your cooking skills. I just swear, your stuff probably pales in comparison to this magical, delicious cashew Parmesan.  At […]

Wicked Healthy Review: Potato Corn Chowder, Smoky Poutine and Pasta with Grilled Squash, Lemon and Herbs

Wicked Healthy by Chad and Derek Sarno and David Joachim is truly a masterpiece. A work of art. Insanely stunning photography and deliciously creative recipes make this book absolutely jaw-dropping. Every page is filled with incredible plant-based dishes that both sound and look unbelievable. It’s as much a gorgeous coffee table photo book as it […]

Deliciously Vegan Review, Recipes AND Giveaway!

Wow, a whole year since I’ve ran a giveaway! And they’re my favorite! I would truly love to start doing more contests and giveaways again for my favorite vegan products, and Deliciously Vegan by Laura Theodore, AKA, the Jazzy Vegetarian seems like the perfect place to start. Over 175, no-fuss vegan recipes adorn the pages […]