Deliciously Vegan Review, Recipes AND Giveaway!

Wow, a whole year since I’ve ran a giveaway! And they’re my favorite! I would truly love to start doing more contests and giveaways again for my favorite vegan products, and Deliciously Vegan by Laura Theodore, AKA, the Jazzy Vegetarian seems like the perfect place to start. Over 175, no-fuss vegan recipes adorn the pages […]

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Chicago Vegan Eats

I know, I know. You’re probably sick of reading posts about me just traveling and eating. GET BACK TO THE RECIPES, LISA. Soon, soon, I promise! I plan on staying put most of the summer, aside from road tripping and one cooking gig back East in a few weeks. I’m excited for the Boulder farmer’s […]

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Kauai Vegan Eats

Being the most remote and underdeveloped of the Hawaiian islands, I wasn’t sure how vegan eating would go here. There was a huge emphasis on local items like fish, fruit and pork (SPAM, why do you exist), and it was semi lacking in places to eat overall, not just in terms of places for me.  […]

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Maui Vegan Eats

My Hawaii trip was SUPER last minute and I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I didn’t know about the weather, the layout of the islands, what being alone in a hostel would be like, what the food would be like. Overall, the weather kind of sucked, it was easy to get […]

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The Main Street Vegan Academy Cookbook Review: Jackfruit Tuna Salad + Buffalo Chickpea Dip Recipes

Of all the incredible cookbooks I’ve browsed recently, I don’t think any of them top The Main Street Vegan. And it’s not just because contributing plant-based authors, Victoria Moran and JL Fields are my foodie idols. This beautiful, diverse vegan bible is full of unique, but easy recipes that will entice everyone, from all food […]

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Woodgrain Bagels

I love discovering vegan hidden gems in Boulder that no one seems to know about! And Woodgrain Bagels might be the most wonderful place I’ve found since moving here. I was initially just attracted to their lumberjack vibe, with lots of wood, axe and plant-y decor. They’ve got a warm, cozy, indoor space that makes […]

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