Cacao Date Hemp Balls

For every hike I’ve set out on recently, I’ve made sure to have plenty of snacks to bring along for the trek. Considering Boulder is easily one of, if not THE most, active place I’ve ever been, there is no shortage of protein/energy bars, granolas, snacks and bites in almost every store. The Whole Foods, […]

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Seitan Steak Tips

I’ve complained FOR-EVER about how much I’ve missed blogging and creating new recipes and enjoying myself in the kitchen. And finally, FINALLY…I’m back to where I want to be! I haven’t been cooking a ton yet, and I’ve yet to still do a real, full grocery shopping trip on my own, but I have been […]

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City O’ City Spotlight

I am slowly, but surely, adjusting to life here in Boulder. My car FINALLY arrived this morning, and along with it, all my spices, cooking essentials and of course, my Vitamix. I am so happy to have the kitchen set up and somewhat veganized, and have cooked a few things for Steve already, like sweet […]

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North Carolina Eats

So in my transition to Boulder living, I wanted to make a stop in Asheville, North Carolina, since everyone I know who’s been there, said I would absolutely ADORE it. And they were so right. It’s honestly kind of like a mini-Boulder. Lots of incredible breweries, tons of amazing hiking and outdoor activities, SUPER sweet […]

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Loving Earth Chocolate

Strange to admit, but throughout my life I have NOT been a huge fan of chocolate. Weird, right? It wasn’t until I hit 30, that I all the sudden became OBSESSED with chocolate. Taste buds changing? Maybe. Late sweet tooth development? Potentially. Hormones? Most likely. I’m a big fan of sea salt and almond dark […]

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The Vegan Pact Goes Cross Country

Yep. You read that right. You’ve obviously continued to hear crickets on this blog, but if you follow me on social media, you might have noticed I’ve had the busiest summer ever.  But hasn’t “overly busy” been the theme of my life for the past four years? I used to LOVE what I do. I […]

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