Neat Foods Meatballs

If you’ve ever been to one of my cooking classes around Boston, chances are you’ve made my favorite tempeh walnut meatballs. They’re easy to make, with fairly cheap ingredients, a high protein content and don’t take much time to pull together. But on my laziest nights, when I REALLY can’t even stomach the thought of being […]

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Sari Foods Acai Powder

If you hadn’t noticed by now, I am completely infatuated with every product available over at Sari Foods. Their nutritional yeast is my favorite and I can no longer make a smoothie without their wheatgrass powder. So it’s no shock, that I am also 100% obsessed with their acai powder. This was the first time I’ve […]

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Nashville Eats

You didn’t even know I was going to Nashville, did you? Of all the amazing places I’ve traveled this year-Tampa, Austin, Denver, Boulder, LA, San Diego, Laguna Beach, Vegas, Boulder and Denver AGAIN-they’ve all had some really incredible plant-based options. And though I found some insanely awesome vegan eats in Nashville, I will definitely confess […]

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Sweet Potato Mac + Cheese

Sooooo you heard about all my grievances with by CHLOE. last month. And I really feel like I came off like such a hater. I do love her stuff, and if anything, the high price tag of the meals inspired me to go home and make them for a fraction of the cost. Like this […]

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Vegan Eats: Providence Edition

Clearly, I’ve been lacking in the content department as of late. Which means business is good. Which is always good, right? Except I miss blogging. And the posts I miss the most are the ones where I just get to brag about all the amazing vegan food porn I get to experience when I travel. […]

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Pure Cold Press

My one recent regret in life is that I didn’t know about Pure Cold Press opening almost two years ago.  Where have I been?! I am always up to speed on the latest and greatest vegan-friendly and/or juice bars opening about Boston, and somehow, one of the best ones slipped under my radar. I stopped […]

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