Taza Hot Chocolate + Winter Update

Just a quick little update for you guys! I’m off for ANOTHER month, traveling, cooking, eating all the vegan food and seeing all my favorite people around the country, out on the West coast. I’ll be in Laguna Beach, spending the holidays cooking for clients and making you all jealous that I’m on the beach […]

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Humble Deodorant Review + Giveaway

Sometimes, less is more. I’m finding that now, more than ever, that simple is better. Recipes that have minimal ingredients are becoming the most satisfying. Kind of a quality over quantity type of thing. And of all the products I’ve tried recently, the five ingredient deodorants from Humble, really hold true to the simplicity rule, […]

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Sari Foods Nutritional Yeast

Here it is. The post I’ve been waiting for! I am a nutritional yeast fanatic. Some girls talk about shoes, designer bags and diamond rings. And then there’s me. Forever talking about the amazingness that is nutritional yeast.  It’s honestly my vegan lifeline. It’s the base for most of my sauces and dressings. Avocado toast […]

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Pumpkin Pie Granola

I SWEAR, lots of amazing product reviews are in the works. Thanksgiving meal prep for all my clients has made for a crazy couple of weeks. I don’t even want to LOOK at stuffing or mashed potatoes for another year! I hope you has a WONDERFUL turkey-free holiday 🙂 I am so grateful for all […]

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Sacha Inchi Superfood

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am so grateful for the dozens of health-orientated companies that send me vegan products to review throughout the year. Everyone loves free stuff, but I love it even more when the items are vegan, organic and environmentally-friendly. And these incredible Sacha Inchi super-seeds from Imlak’esh Organics might be one […]

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Broccoli Cauliflower Alfredo

GUYS. A recipe, a RECIPE! I’ve got tons of awesome product review posts lined up for the next few weeks-hello, Christmas gift ideas! But in the meantime, I am SUPER stoked to finally get around to posting my favorite recipe as of late. I’ve been smothering this creamy alfredo sauce all over everything and my […]

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