Watch City Woodworks

If you know me, you know I love a good cutting board. Nothing makes me happier than being able to beautifully photograph my latest food creation. Which we know hasn’t been often as of late, but still. Even repeat recipes or an everyday smoothie bowl looks THAT much better when it’s being shot on a […]

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Guest Blogger: kitchen + kraft’s Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Bowl

If you’ve seen 99% of my social media and blog posts the past few months, you’ll notice a gorgeous, hand-dyed napkin in most of my shots. For some reason, every plate, every spoon, every foodie pic EVER, looks ten times better with a kitchen + kraft item in the shot. The beautiful, locally-crafted towels, bags […]

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Golden Turmeric Latte

Sigh. Another month goes by without much news from me.  I am forever saying “This month. This will be the month I make time for blogging”. And then the month starts and it quickly turns to “Next month. Next month, I WILL make time for blogging”. And yet….here we are. I’ve got all my meals […]

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Blaze Pizza

Boston. You’re cold, you’re rainy and you’ve got NO mountains. I am trying really hard to adjust to being back home. But it’s not easy. I miss my friends, all the outdoor activities and the sun. And as excited as I am to get back in my own kitchen, see all my wonderful clients and […]

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Boulder Eats: Part Two

I’ve not even been in Boston 72 hours and I’m already counting down the days until I can get back to Boulder. The more I look back on pictures and dwell on my time there, the more I am in awe of just how amazing it was. And I get hungry recounting it all. Really […]

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Boulder Eats: Part One

OH MY GOD. BOULDER. You win, you win, you win. My time has gone by far too fast and I am fairly devasted at the thought of going back home. I already miss the mountains, Pearl Street, all my friends here, the breweries and of course, the food. Though I have LOVED taking a break […]

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