West Coast Restaurant Love

How is my yearly trek to Vegas and San Diego already over? 🙁 It really, never gets old. Yes, Vegas is exhausting. I work too much, drink too much, don’t sleep at all and only get a few moments a day to eat. But I get to see some of my favorite people from around […]

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Broken Grounds Cafe

What better way to celebrate my fifth vegetarian anniversary, than at an amazing, new local vegan spot? And when I say amazing, I mean amazing. In visiting this three-month-old Newton cafe, Broken Grounds Cafe is full of vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and organic food and drinks, I quickly fell in love with everything about it. The […]

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Veganniversary: 5 Years Later!

What the?! 5?! I’m 5! I can’t believe it’s been half a decade since I had consumed meat. Five years since my life completely changed. 1,825 days of no animals harmed! I am so proud of myself for not contributing to the suffering of thousands of animals. I’m ecstatic that I’ve learned to cook healthy […]

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Chai Tea Cupcakes

I’m such a liar, aren’t I? As soon as I announce I’m going to have all this time off to cook for myself and develop new recipes, the universe decides to throw more business my way. Which I’m not complaining about. But my “time off” for Christmas and New Year’s quickly turned into adding new […]

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Pesto Pizza with Homemade Mozzarella

Behold…my only Christmas themed dish this year! If you know me at all, you know that I am SO anti-Christmas. I hate being forced to spend money I don’t have, on shit that my family and friends probably don’t want or need. I hate the greediness. I hate the mall. I hate shopping. I hate […]

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Coconut Cashew Snowballs

Hello…it’s me…. No, not Adele. It’s me. The person who should be updating this blog more regularly, but hasn’t had time to do so in FOREVER. I’ve been super busy, teaching, doing demos, celebrating turning 30-yes, 30!- and oh…having strep, bronchitis and pneumonia. No big deal. Not a busy November/December at all. And I know…Christmas is […]

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