Guest Post: Urban Alchemy

You guys are in for a treat today! Today’s guest post is brought to you by the amazing sisters, Erika and Jessie over at Urban Alchemy. They were the brilliant minds behind one of my favorite juice cleanses, BRU’s, and are now getting into all kinds of other awesomeness with their latest work in empowering […]

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Product Review: EcoVessel

So if you didn’t know. I’m totally obsessed with kale. Obsessed with donuts. Obsessed with jackfruit nachos. Obsessed with cheesecake. But of all the things I’m obsessed with…my water bottle addiction may top them all. I’ve got a whole army, if I’m being totally honest. Half my cabinet space is consumed by water bottles. Glass […]

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Oreo Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sandwiches

Look at me, being a copycat.  With yet ANOTHER recipe post inspired by another beautiful, amazing blogger. I saw a post for raw vegan Oreos over at The Colorful Kitchen and had a brilliant idea for a new addition to my desserts class. I always make banana ice cream in courses, but always just serve […]

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Raw Cashew Butter

MMMMM cashew butter. Just saying it gets me excited. Cashews are obviously my favorite nut. Half the vegan dishes I make wouldn’t be complete without some cashew mayo, cashew ranch dressing, cashew queso or cashew cheesecake. Cashew butter brings my love to a whole new level. It’s rich, creamy, decadent and luxurious. And it’s a […]

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Best Ever Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

You all know I’m not the best baker. It’s far too scientific for me and I hate all the precise measurements that are required. Baking soda vs. baking powder?  I don’t get it. Most desserts I come up with are raw vegan or easy, no-bake set-it-and-forget-it type of treats. Which is why I defaulted to […]

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Restaurant Review: Taco Party

ANOTHER vegan spot to open in Boston!? Doing my happy dance for all the plant-based spots opening up around me! Taco Party is a vegan food truck, specializing in, DUH, all vegan tacos, that recently opened a storefront in Somerville. Tempeh, seitan, tofu, sweet potato and jackfruit variations grace their short, but sweet, menu. Nachos […]

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