UrthBox Review

I love me a good monthly vegan subscription box. It seems like there are hundreds out there now, but I don’t think I’ve ever received one with so many organic vegan treats for such an awesome price as UrthBox. You choose your own specific dietary box, what size you want (the bigger you buy, the […]

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West Coast Eats: Vegan Food in Seattle and Portland

So you’ve all probably heard me proclaim my love for California many times. I’ve called San Diego my second home for years now, and it’s no secret that I pictured myself relocating to Cali at some point in my life. But that was before I fell in love with Oregon. One of my best friends […]

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Tempeh Bacon Wraps with Chipotle Mayo

There’s nothing more satisfying than having your most meat-addicted friends go crazy over your vegan food. Which is exactly what happened numerous times when I shared these tempeh bacon wraps with a few of my closest omnivores. They were absolutely blown away by the flavor and texture and have been begging me to bring them […]

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Recent Eats: 141 Market in Provincetown

Dear Provincetown, I love you. I am not a Cape person. Though everyone in the Boston area may migrate there during the summer, I tend to stick to my Rhode Island and Gloucester beaches. Nothing about the Cape has ever really appealed to me. Especially not the traffic. I don’t envision a younger crowd, lots […]

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Guest Blogger: Vegan Tips from Modernize

Having been cooking plant-based for so long, sometimes it’s easy for me to forget the basics. To remind people of the simple staples and items they should stock in their kitchen when they’re first trying to transition into a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. Granted, it all becomes second nature over time, but it’s nice to have a […]

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Pineapple Jalapeno Green Juice

A big round of applause for Thirst Juice Co. for not only being one of my favorite juice spots, but for introducing the idea of adding jalapeno to a juice. I’m sure this is not a groundbreaking idea, but it certainly was new to me and I get their same drink everytime I go there […]

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