Hearty Sweet Potato Chili

Well, if you’ve grown tired of hearing about my classes for the past nine months, you’re about to get a break. School’s out for summer! Though I have a few classes scattered throughout June, July and August, for the most part, community education classes are through for the season. Though it does make me sad […]

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Freshii Back Bay Review

I’ve got to give Boston a round of applause. As much as I hate on the city, and long for a home on the west coast, where vegan restaurants are plentiful, I must admit…. Boston is really catching onto a healthier way of living. I cook in Beacon Hill and Back Bay a lot and […]

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Ebook Release!

Wait, you didn’t know I was working on an Ebook?! How could I forget to share this super exciting news! My absolute favorite people in the world, over at the Herbal Academy of New England asked me to collaborate on their “Cooking with the Seasons” Ebook series and to develop recipes for their spring version. […]

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Mini Tortilla Tempeh Pizzas

I bet you never thought you’d get a recipe out of me again, did ya? I could go on and on about how busy I am, but you’ve heard it all before in pretty much every post the last few months. Which in retrospect, is a great thing. Being overbooked and super busy is probably […]

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Guest Blogger: Vegan College Life

I cringe when I think about all the crap I ate when I was in college. Between consuming mostly a liquid diet as a freshman and eating fast food or Easy Mac, I want to throw up just thinking about all the toxic things I put in my body before I became vegetarian. It wasn’t […]

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Brunchin’ in Boston: Vinebrook Tavern

I literally talk about brunch more than I talk about anything else. All week I wait for the glorious meal that is brunch. Though sometimes being vegan….the food is not so glorious. Luckily, mimosas are always there to fix that. Bad veggie meal? Waiter, one more mimosa, please. What some local brunch spots are lacking […]

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