Tropical Ginger Smoothie

If you haven’t heard the good news yet…

…I got a Vitamix!!

I assume this is what my friends  feel like after their first born child arrives. Or they buy a house. My sheer level of ecstasy upon finally, FINALLY purchasing a bright blue, gorgeous Vitamix. I cannot fathom how I survived this long without one. My days of burning out motors, or losing bits of wooden spoons and spatulas trying to scrape down smoothies are behind me. The Vitamix is everything everyone claims it to be…absolutely incredible. It’s the Mercedes of blenders (I actually know nothing about cars, so in my head Mercedes is the absolute best). It’s the Justin Timberlake of kitchen appliances (much better comparison for me).

I am head over heels in love and am constantly foraging around for smoothie fixings so I can blend something. What would normally take 3 minutes to blend in my old blender, literally, takes about 5 seconds in the Viatmix. My world is forever changed.

This smoothie never would have happened in my old blender. It wouldn’t have been able to handle all the frozen fruit and probably would have just blown up. The Vitamix took care of it in a snap though.

Pure bliss!

1 frozen banana

1 cup frozen or fresh pineapple

1 cup frozen or fresh mango

1 cup coconut milk

1 inch piece fresh ginger

2 tbsp So Delicious yogurt

1 tsp pure vanilla

  • Blend everything together until smooth and enjoy!








Vegan Cuts
About the Author

Lisa is the founder of The Vegan Pact and a vegan personal chef.


  1. […] they also work great for smoothies, too. Not to mention, the added protein from the nuts. For my Tropical Ginger Smoothie, I added soaked cashews instead of bananas and increased the other fruits and coconut milk in the […]

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