Strawberry & Creme Smoothie

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this is the girliest smoothie I’ve ever made. Lots of pink, super sweet and all topped off with a fresh strawberry. Yep, I LOVED photographing this smoothie. I’d also been waiting to put all these cute straws I had bought to good use. So more pretty […]

Curried Sweet Potato & Cabbage Wonton Cups

I love when delicious things happen by accident. I guess this wasn’t a TOTAL accident as I was making a conscious attempt to cook these wonton cups. But it was a complete experiment. I kind of just threw everything together and assumed the outcome would just be a rough draft. That I would try it […]

Better Bean Co. Review and Giveaway

I have been waiting so long to share this with all of you! OK, more like two weeks. But whatever. I have seriously been pushing myself to get through all their delicious products so I could give you a proper review, promptly followed by a great giveaway. When I was approached by Better Bean, I […]

‘Smores Black Bean Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

How many delicious elements could you fit into one dessert? Well, let’s just say I tried to fit as many as I could into this one…except does it still count as dessert if I’ve been eating them more for breakfast? I hope so. 4 cups black beans 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1/2 cup vegan chocolate […]

So Delicious Coconut Creamer & Cococcino Review & Giveaway!

Hellllloooo giveaway season! The most wonderful time of the year! So Delicious and The Vegan Pact are pretty tight, if you haven’t noticed. I’ve done lots of giveaways and review for their awesome products in the past. But this time….this time I think they’ve really outdone themselves. Two of their latest items, Coconut Creamer Barista […]

Maple Sesame Kale Chips

Curly kale, curly kale, where fore art thou, curly kale? There was a time when the only type of kale I consumed was curly kale. These days? I’m all about the dino kale. Maybe I’m just more mature now. No more frilly, ribbony curly kale. Only straight-laced, sophisticated, dark and mysterious lacinato kale. It’s name […]