Orange Cranberry Raw Mini Cheesecakes

As if this raw cheesecake couldn’t get any better-then this orange cranberry version happened. I often make this with kiwi and lime or strawberries, but I went with cranberries because they just seem a bit more festive. And figured they would pair well with the blueberry cranberry mint sangria I’m making for my cousin’s Christmas […]

Raw Vegan Date Caramel Truffles

Aside from my favorite raw vegan cheesecake (be on the lookout for a new Christmas version tomorrow, by the way), these raw vegan date caramels are my FAVORITE new healthy dessert. I’ve made different types of truffles before but usually do fruit pureed ones. I wish I could take the credit for these amazingly brilliant, absolutely perfect, insanely decadent caramels, but […]

Ginger Peach Green Smoothie

Wait, Thanksgiving is over? How did that happen so fast?! December 1st already and I am super sad that un-turkey day is over. This also means all the delicious, comfort foods I spent 8 hours cooking are all gone. Which makes me sadder. However, the copious amounts of food, and let’s be honest, beer, have […]

No-Bake Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie

This literally might be the greatest pumpkin pie in the history of pumpkin pies. No joke. I knew I wanted to use my favorite raw crust this Thanksgiving rather than try to mess with a homemade, gluten pie crust. The only issue was, I wouldn’t be able to bake the pie crust. So instead, I […]

Apple Fig Oatmeal Bites

I keep making these and eating them all. Then making another batch, telling myself that I’ll remember to photograph them. And then I eat them all. And this vicious, delicious cycle goes on and on. SO, since I am too busy eating these all the time to snap a pic, I love the recipe too […]

Natural Living Expo

Two days after the Natural Living Expo and all I can still think is… Is this real life? Ever since I started TVP, I didn’t really know it would take me. I started out so small, but after a year and a half I know now, that what I love the most is doing public […]