Raw Banana Date Pudding

I know, I know. Banana pudding? Gee, how NOT appealing. While I admit it is not the most innovative meal, it is a hearty, filling and simply sweet snack or breakfast option when raw. It’s so ridiculously simple and it almost tastes a sweet as the pudding that comes pre-packaged in a box. Except this […]

Roasted Garlic & Ancho Chili Hummus

Raise your hand if you brought hummus to an omnivore party in the past month. (waves hand frantically)’ I know that MY go-to dish for almost any party is hummus, especially if I’m short on time. Roasted red pepper, chipotle, cilantro and jalapeno, sun-dried tomato-I love them all! But none may top this roasted garlic and ancho […]

Potato Skins with Eggplant Bacon

Am I the only one who craves potatoes after a good, long workout? Please say that I’m not. If you’re anything like me, you believe that a kick-ass yoga class or a nice, long run deserves a hearty, filling dinner afterwards. This might be a bad theory, because after all, you’re probably working out to […]

Homemade Wholegrain Mustard

This mustard is a true testament, that everything is better homemade. EVERYTHING. I love me some Dijon mustard and I am usually content to buy it at Whole Foods because it’s a whopping $2 for an organic bottle. I had never really contemplated making many condiments from scratch (homemade ketchup seems daunting to me) and it’s much […]

Baked Zucchini Fries with Green Onion Dip

Zucchini fries are one of those stereotypical vegetarian dishes/appetizers that just about everyone has had. Similar to hummus, falafels, tabbouleh and tons of other run-of-the-mill vegan meals, they’re pretty standard, not incredibly exciting, but awesomely delicious. I remember that when I first became meat-free, practically every time I ate out, I ordered zucchini sticks, fries, strips-whatever form or shape they […]

Product Review: Tasterie Box

So I know that there are TONS of different monthly subscription boxes out there available for dietary restrictions of all types. Gluten-free, vegan, nut-free, organic, even beauty boxes, seem to be super popular right now. Every social media ad I seem to come across is for these packages toting a surprise delivery of goodies based on your […]