Pumpkin Spice Banana Ice Cream

This ice cream looks totally lame, I know. I’m bummed it doesn’t look more exciting because my latest version of “nice cream” is beyond delicious. And you all know I’m not one to jump on the pumpkin train now that fall is in full swing. Strawberry, chocolate, peanut butter are amonst my favorite frozen banana […]

Perfect Pumpkin Seed & Cranberry Granola Bars

Yep,, I said it. These bars are perfect…and I wholeheartedly believe that. What makes them even better is that I made them solely out of things I had laying around in my pantry. Fall season indictaes another seasonal activity for me….moving. So in a few weeks when I move, again, for the third time in […]

Pear, Apple and Rhubarb Breakfast Bake

Anddd the fall recipes commence now. Dozens of pumpkin beers later, I am finally starting to accept the autumn season. My utter depression is suppressed only by all the fall activities I planned this past week. Witches Woods mid October, the Topsfield Fair in a few weeks, hopefully a trip to the White Mountains. And […]

Sweet Debbie’s Organic Treats: Allergy Free & Vegan Recipes Review and Giveaway

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I’m not much of a baker. Almost all of the desserts or breakfast treats I make are either raw or more of the let-it-set-in-the-fridge variety. Measuring, teaspoons, whether or not to use baking powder or baking soda-they’re not where I excel. Add gluten-free baking to the mix, […]

So Delicious Review & Giveaway: Fall Edition

I must admit. I keep claiming that I’ve accepted the fall season. That I finally came to terms with the pool ending, my tan fading and the fact that I’ll be borderline hibernating the next six months. I’ve acted like it just HAPPENED. That all the sudden I woke up on a 40 degree morning […]

16 Handles-Vegan Fro-Yo

Orange Leaf, Pinkberry, Fruitee…if you’ve had one bland, soy frozen yogurt flavor, you’ve had them all….right? WRONG. Though I have tried all the others, I’ve been unpleasantly surprised to find that all their flavors are overwhelmingly fruity. Now, I love nothing more than a great homemade fruit banana ice cream. But when I’m out for […]